Friday, January 11, 2013


It's so nice to think we can plan our life. We have it all figured out. It is a perfect plan. We will marry the perfect person, have a perfect job, perfect home and perfect children. So, we are now in bliss because we are perfect. No trials, nothing to scar our dream image of what life is supposed to be. Just what is Perfection?

Perfection is not the perfect idea above. What perfection are we if we never have a trial or crises? Who would not pass the test if all went well? How easy to appear all together when life is passing out blessings after blessings. What is perfection? How do we handle the not so perfect world when what we built in our minds has failed? I believe true perfection is how we behave and deal with real issues and crises.

One loses a job, a family member is in crises or something ugly changes your life and your perfect world. You can remain perfect if you realize what perfection is! It is how you handle the real crises! The imperfect world we live in. Only Heaven will be perfect. There will never be our idea of perfect on earth at all times. I mean at all times! You will face things that will make you feel lesser than trash. Your real worth is not defined by the awful situation, but how you handle it with dignity. That is real perfection.

It is acceptable to need help. It is acceptable to appear less perfect than what the world pictures it to be. If you are real with a crises and face it with responsibility, that is perfection. So, you don't have the dream idea of what you thought it should be. Things happen, life happens. How do we handle the crises? Do we ignore it and hope it will go away? Pretend it does not exist and let our loved ones suffer in order to appear to others as normal? What perfection is that? Didn't Jesus say we would have trials? We would be mocked at times? Talked about?

The one we have to please in the end is Jesus. Hold on to him and trust in him only. He told us in his Word troubles would come at times. He promises to help us through them. Don't let the enemy lie to you by telling you there is shame in going through a troubling time. Hold on to him and he will see you through. When you call on his name he will see you through with dignity and honor. It pleases him for one to handle the imperfect situation with perfect trust and behavior. Doing what is best and not what appears best according to the world. Don't be ashamed of your trials. Handle them with faith, kindness and patience. That is perfection!

If the glass of milk is spilled, it is life. You may feel it is not perfect anymore. Behaving with anger, grumbling and unbelief is what makes it not perfect! Your dinner is not ruined by the spill! It can be ruined by your perception and behavior of the spill!

Perfect parents do what is best for their children, not what looks best in a Better Homes And Garden magazine.
