Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Theory Behind LCHF (Low Carb High Fat)

The Theory Behind LCHF

What are you designed to eat?

Humans evolved over millions of years as hunter-gatherers, without eating large amounts of carbohydrates. We ate the food available to us in nature by hunting, fishing and gathering all the edible foods we could find. These foods did not include pure starch in the form of bread, pasta, rice or potatoes. We have only eaten these starchy foods for 5 – 10 000 years, since the development of agriculture. Just a limited adaptation of our genes takes place in such a relatively short time.
With the Industrial Revolution, 100 – 200 years ago, we got factories that could manufacture large amounts of pure sugar and white flour. Rapidly digested pure carbohydrates. We’ve hardly had time to genetically adapt to these processed foods.
In the 80s, the fear of fat gripped the western world. Low-fat products popped up everywhere. But if you eat less fat you need to eat more carbohydrates to feel satiated. And it’s at this time in history that our disastrous epidemics of obesity and diabetes started. The most fat-phobic country in the world, the USA, was hit the hardest and is now the world’s most obese country.
Today, it’s clear that the fear of real food with natural fat contents has been a big mistake.

The problem with sugar and starch

All digestible carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars in the intestines. The sugar is then absorbed into the blood, raising the blood glucose levels. This increases the production of the hormone insulin, our fat storing hormone.
Insulin is produced in the pancreas (pictured to the right). In large amounts insulin prevents fat burning and stores surplus nutrients in the fat cells. After some time (a few hours or less) this may result in a shortage of nutrients in the blood, creating feelings of hunger and cravings for something sweet. Usually at that point people eat again. This starts the process again: A vicious cycle leading to weight gain.
On the other hand, a low intake of carbs gives you a lower, more stable blood glucose, and lower amounts of insulin. This increases the release of fat from your fat stores and increases the fat burning. This usually leads to fat loss, especially around the belly in abdominally obese individuals.

Weight loss without hunger

A LCHF diet makes it easier for the body to use its fat reserves, as their release is no longer blocked by high insulin levels. This may be one reason why eating fat gives a longer feeling of satiety than carbohydrates. It’s been shown in a number of studies: When people eat all they want on a low carb diet caloric intake typically drops
So, no counting or food weighing is necessary. You can forget about the calories and trust your feelings of hunger and satiety. Most people don’t need to count or weigh their food any more than they need to count their breathing. If you don´t believe it, just try for a couple of weeks and see for yourself.

Health as a bonus

No animals in nature need the assistance of nutritional expertise or calorie charts to eat. And still, as long as they eat the food they are designed to eat they stay at a normal weight and they avoid caries, diabetes and heart disease. Why would humans be an exception? Why would you be an exception?
In scientific studies not only is the weight improved on a low carb diet – the blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol profile (HDL, triglycerides) are also improved. A calm stomach and less cravings for sweet food are also common experiences.

Initial side effects

If you stop eating sugar and starch cold turkey (recommended) you may experience some side effects as your body adjusts. For most people these side effects tend to be mild and last a just few days. There are also ways to minimize them.
Common during the first week:
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Irritability
The side effects rapidly subside as your body adapts and your fat burning increases. They can be minimized by drinking some extra fluids and by temporarily increasing your salt intake a bit. A good option is to drink some broth every few hours. Alternatively, drink a few extra glasses of water and put extra salt on your food.
The reason for this is that carbohydrate-rich foods may increase the water retention in your body. When you stop eating high-carb foods you’ll lose excess water through your kidneys. This can result in dehydration and lack of salt during the first week, before the body has adapted.
Some people prefer to decrease their intake of carbohydrates slowly, over a few weeks, to minimize the side effects. But the “Nike way” (Just Do It) is probably the best choice for most people. Removing most sugar and starch often results in several pounds lost on the scale within a few days. It may be mostly fluids but it’s great for the motivation.

How low to go?

The less carbohydrate you eat the more pronounced the effect on your weight and blood sugar will be. I recommend following the dietary advice as strict as you can. When you’re happy with your weight and health you may gradually try eating more liberally (if you want to).

Tips and recipes

Breakfast suggestions

  • Eggs and bacon
  • Omelet
  • Leftovers from last night’s dinner
  • Coffee with cream
  • A can of mackerel and boiled eggs
  • Boiled egg with mayonnaise or butter
  • Avocado, salmon and crème fraiche
  • Sandwich on Oopsie-bread
  • A piece of very thin hard bread with lots of butter, cheese, ham, etc.
  • Cheese with butter on it
  • Boiled eggs mashed with butter, chopped chives, salt and pepper
  • A piece of brie cheese and some ham or salami
  • High-fat yoghurt with nuts and seeds (and maybe berries)

Lunch and dinner

  • Meat, fish or chicken dishes with vegetables and a rich full-fat sauce. There are many alternatives to potatoes, such as mashed cauliflower.
  • Stews, soups or casseroles with low-carb ingredients.
  • You can  use most recipes in cookbooks if you avoid the carbohydrate-rich ingredients. It’s often a good idea to add fat (e.g. butter, cream) to the recipe.
  • Drink water with your meal or (occasionally) a glass of wine.
When you eat a low-carbohydrate diet with more fat and a bit more protein you will probably not need to eat as often. Don’t be surprised if you no longer need to snack. Many people do well on two or three meals per day. If you need a snack:
  • Rolled-up cheese or ham with a vegetable (some people even spread butter on cheese)
  • Olives
  • Nuts
  • A piece of cheese
  • A boiled egg from the refrigerator
  • Canned mackerel in tomato sauce
Olives and nuts can replace potato chips in front of the TV. If you always get hungry between meals you’re probably not eating enough fat. Don’t fear fat. Eat more fat until you feel satisfied.

Dining out or meals with friends

  • Restaurants: Usually not a big problem. You can ask to have potatoes/fries switched for a salad. With meat dishes, ask for extra butter.
  • Fast food: Kebab can be a decent option (preferably avoid the bread). In hamburger chains the hamburgers are usually the least bad option. Avoid soft drinks and fries, obviously. Drink water. Pizza toppings are usually OK, and the stricter you are the less of the pizza crust you will eat.
  • If you eat strictly everyday it’s less of a problem to make a few exceptions when you are invited out. If you’re not sure what will be served you can eat something at home before you leave.
  • Nuts or cheese is good “emergency food” when there are no other adequate options to be found.

Shopping list for beginners

Print this list and bring it to the store:
  • Butter
  • Heavy cream (40% fat)
  • Sour cream (34% fat)
  • Eggs
  • Bacon
  • Meat (minced, steaks, stew pieces, fillets, etc.)
  • Fish (preferably fatty fish like salmon or mackerel)
  • Cheese (preferably high-fat)
  • Turkish yoghurt (10% fat)
  • Cabbage (cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, etc.)
  • Other vegetables that grow above ground
  • Frozen vegetables (broccoli, wok vegetables, etc.)
  • Avocados
  • Olives
  • Olive oil
  • Nuts

Clean out your pantry

Want to maximize your chances of success? Especially if you have difficulty with cravings / sugar addiction, it is smart to throw out (or give away) sugary and starchy foods, “light” products, etc. These include:
  • Candy
  • Potato chips
  • Soft drinks and juices
  • Margarine
  • Sugar in all forms
  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Potatoes
  • Breakfast cereals
  • Everything that says “low fat” or “no fat”
  • Ice cream
  • Cookies
Why not do it now?

The Serpent in Paradise

Be very skeptical of special “low-carb” products such as pasta or chocolate. Unfortunately these products usually stink. They have prevented the weight loss for loads of people. They’re usually full of carbs once you see through their creative marketing.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


LCHF for Beginners

Do you want to eat real food (as much as you like) and improve your health and weight? It may sound too good to be true, but LCHF (Low Carb, High Fat) is a method that has been used for 150 years. Now, modern science backs it up with proof that it works.
There is no weighing your food, no counting, no bizarre “meal replacements,” no pills. There is just real food and common sense. And all the advice here is 100 percent free.


  1. Introduction
  2. Dietary advice  (in 26 languages)
  3. Theory
  4. Tips and recipes
  5. Cookbooks and more
  6. Frequently asked questions


A LCHF diet means you eat less carbohydrates and a higher proportion of fat. Most importantly you minimize your intake of sugar and starches. You can eat other delicious foods until you are satisfied – and still lose weight.
A number of recent high-quality scientific studies shows that LCHF makes it easier both to lose weight and to control your blood sugar. And that’s just the beginning.

The basics

  • Eat: Meat, fish, eggs, vegetables growing above ground and natural fats (like butter).
  • Avoid: Sugar and starchy foods (like bread, pasta, rice and potatoes).
Eat when you’re hungry until you are satisfied. It’s that simple. You do not need to count calories or weigh your food. And just forget about industrially produced low fat products.
Real food. Add some good fat (like butter).
There are solid scientific reasons why LCHF works. When you avoid sugar and starches your blood sugar stabilizes and the levels of insulin, the fat storing hormone, drops. This increases your fat burning and makes you feel more satiated.

Note for diabetics

  • Avoiding the carbohydrates that raise your blood sugar decreases your need for medication to lower it. Taking the same pre-low-carb diet dose of insulin might result in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). You need to test your blood sugar frequently when starting this diet and adapt (lower) your medication. This should ideally be done with the assistance of a knowledgeable physician. If you’re healthy or a diabetic treated either by diet alone or just with Metformin there is no risk of hypoglycemia.


Monday, July 28, 2014

Get Rid of Zits and Lose Weight at the Same Time

The Foods That REALLY Cause Zits

Eat right to keep your complexion clear

Face it: A bad diet can have ugly consequences. Scientists at New York University report that high-glycemic foods, such as rice, potatoes, bread, and sugary snacks and drinks, may contribute to acne.
A diet loaded with sugars and starches causes a rise in insulin and blood glucose, which may influence hormones and other proteins that make break­outs worse, the researchers say. For a healthy face (and body), limit your carb intake to no more than 40 percent of your total daily calories and eliminate high-glycemic foods, says Valerie Berkowitz, M.S., R.D., director of nutrition at the Center for Bal­anced Health in New York City.
Find out 26 more ways to feed your body to help you work harder, train longer, and look better.

The Brad Pitt Diet he adheres to on a regular basis is essentially high in lean proteins (chicken, fish, eggs, turkey, etc), high in non-starchy fruits and vegetables (avoiding things like bananas, mangoes, squash, potatoes, corn, peas, etc.), and low in carbohydrates (bread, pasta, oats, etc…yes, even the “whole grain” kind), although he is a confessed beer drinker, cutting back dramatically to get ready for Troy.  This diet is a favorite among Hollywood celebrities (male and female alike) as it seems to effortlessly keep you lean year-round. Brad Pitt is 50.

Rob Lowe, 51 in 2013, is aging well partly because he's conquered his greatest vice: alcohol. The actor, who is 20 years sober, told Men's Fitness that he still seeks the thrill alcohol gave him, but has managed to find it in things like helicopter skiing and big-wave surfing.

But Lowe wasn't always so healthy. He began shaping up a few years ago after spotting himself in a magazine's "Worst Beach Bodies" article.

Now living an alcohol-free, low-carb life, Lowe has lost more than half of his body fat and rivals men half his age in health (and looks).

Trust Him, AMEN?!

Saturday, July 26, 2014


On 7/23/2014 I got my sweet scooter. I went to Target and Walmart and bought a locking chain, bell and lights. This post will be about whether or not an electric scooter is good for your health. I am thinking for sure it will be amazing for my mental health. Think about it, getting out and enjoying nature. I have never been one to exercise and surly never extreme exercise like aerobics. I do love stretching, leg lifts and using light weights. Let's just see what this new scooter does for me. I will keep you posted.

If I am having fun and encouraged to get out it seems I will also want to eat better foods. I don't want to look like a fat person riding a Walmart scooter. I want to appear healthy and energetic. Yes, I do care about my appearance and how others see me. We all really do even if we don't always admit it. I should not let myself go. I only have this one body. I am just trying to find myself and what will work for me.

I am just afraid of this in my old age:
I rode it today to Brookshire's Grocery and to CVS. It seemed a little scary coming back from Brookshire's on Hwy 110 so I pushed it all the way until I came to Forest Creek. I walked a good distance and I was sweating like crazy. This was better than a sauna. So far I know I am doing better than not doing the scooter or anything at all. 7/24/2014
Posted 7/25/2014
My scooter is for Mental Health. When you have the freedom to fly down the road doing 20 miles an hour sitting down or standing up, you feel free! Then you actually start getting out more and then you find your tired, hot and sweaty which is something I haven't felt in a while. I am so conditioned to the easy life. I am actually getting exercise without too much pain. The fun over rides the aches I had the first day. I felt like I had been in a car wreck, you know the soreness afterwards. I can't wait to get outside and ride. I went to the Dollar General today and bought laundry detergent and yesterday I went to CVS. Hey, I just want to share with you if anyone is like me and a whole lot lazy, this is the answer. I am building strength just riding the scooter. It is not that costly either when you think of the fun and benefits. This is my scooter.
 My son tells me he saw a friend of mine and she told him she thought she saw me on a scooter. Robbie says, "Yes, my mom has a scooter." He thought oh no, mom is embarrassing me but he realized she was just curious. Then I am thinking, do I look stupid riding a scooter? I googled it and there is a message board of people talking about being afraid of looking stupid on their scooters. They also say they don't care because they can't wipe the smile off their faces. So I have decided to ride it proudly with my head up and a big smile of joy. Joy is what I feel when riding. I will graduate to a really famine scooter in the future. Maybe I will get a blue or pink European looking scooter.  

This will be an ongoing post about my progress and experiences on the scooter. I will let you know if I have any weight loss or other benefits from this.

Friday, July 11, 2014

This Works

Low Carb plans such as Atkins can be very effective for some people including me, many people who start a low carb diet experience get what’s called the “ketosis flu” or the “induction flu” in the first few days while the body is adapting to burning ketones instead of glucose.
The basic symptoms are:
– Headaches
– Nausea
– Upset stomach
– Lack of mental clarity (brain fog)
– Sleepiness
– Fatigue
It’s called the “ketosis flu” for a reason: you feel sick. I’ve gone through it and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. Fortunately it only lasted 2 days but then suddenly I woke up feeling much better, less hungry and my energy level was really high and consistent throughout the day!
The first time I thought to myself: “What the heck am I doing? I feel like I’m going to die!” but I persevered and when it was over I didn’t regret a thing because what I had gained mentally and physically was 100% worth it.
For those of you that are going through the ketosis flu, don’t give up! I know you feel like it’s never going to get better but stick with it and you´ll be so happy you did! I’m telling you, waking up refreshed for the first time in years, not getting the afternoon “blah” feeling and stuffing my face with carbs to try to boost my energy is the best side effect of the low carb diet I’ve experienced. Okay, losing weight while eating good food, feeling full and satisfied is great too.
First you have to understand why your body is reacting this way. Your body’s been burning glucose for energy so it’s basically full of enzymes that are waiting to deal with the carbs you eat, but now the body needs to make new enzymes that burn fat for fuel instead of carbs, and the transition period causes the flu-like symptoms.
There are some things you can do to lessen the symptoms of the ketosis flu and to make it go away sooner (to force the body to transition sooner) Ok, let’s get to the good part – what to do:
First of all – you’re probably dehydrated. Drink PLENTY of water while you’re on a low carb diet, and then drink some more.
Watch your electrolytes. When the body is getting rid of excess insulin from your former carb-crazy diet you´ll lose lots of fluids that have been retained in your body. This causes the rapid weight loss most people see in their first few days of ketosis, it’s mostly water, sorry. When you lose all the retained water you also lose electrolytes like sodium, magnesium and potassium. When you’re lacking them you´ll feel like crap so when you’re feeling really ill on the ketosis flu try things like chicken/beef broth and look for foods rich in these minerals. Take a multi-vitamin and a multi-mineral.
Ok, here is where people throw the red flag – Eat more fat – Yup, I said MORE fat. Have some butter, just not on a roll, eat some bacon and eggs for breakfast, just skip the potatoes and toast. This will force your body to hurry up the transition. You´ll think this is crazy and think you´ll never get lose weight eating this way, but you will.
Don’t eat too much protein – The body can transform protein into glucose so if you eat too much of it in the first days it will slow down the transition. Go for fatty meat and cheese if you can, add fat to protein shakes etc.
Drink water, replenish electrolytes (sodium, magnesium, potassium) with food and supplements, drink broth, eat fat and not too much protein.
I hope this helps, and have a great day


Thursday, July 10, 2014


My grandmother Grace was a remarkable woman. I always thought I was her favorite. Jennifer thought she was and David my brother and Jerry Don my cousin. The thing is she never told any of us we were her favorites. This  woman made each of us feel so loved unconditionally.

My girl's laughingly say that Robbie is my favorite. Robbie say's Robin is and Kelly say's Robbie is. I have no favorites. Like I've told them some are more needy at different times and those times they seem to be the center of my attention. The truth is my children really know this and have fun stressing me with it. They like manipulating me with it actually for fun to see me squirm.

I have no favorites with my grandchildren. I love them all the same. Each one is so unique. I see such character in each one and a wonderful caring human being. I pray for each and sometimes I have a burden on my heart for one at a time when there in need. It is amazing one can love so many people at one time. What a wonder to be capable of so much love. I know I'm not alone. Most parents do love all their children the same.

To be half the woman Grace was would be a beautiful woman. She took in 1 teenager, 1 twelve year old and an eight year old who were already set in ( not so good ways) in other words, she called us "Hellions". The thing is I knew she loved us all! She will never be out done by me. I still hope just to be half the woman she was. I miss you mamaw, Grace Ersula Harris Webb! She did not like her middle name. I think it is awesome.

Adding she called us Her Little Hellions, which sounded sweeter. Later when I was living with her after David and Donna were grown she called me "Her Little Orphan".

Thursday, May 29, 2014

One of the greatest verses in Scripture for parents with unsaved children is found in the writings of the prophet Isaiah: "Who can snatch the prey from the hands of a mighty man? Who can demand that a tyrant let his captive go? But the Lord says, 'Even the captives of the most mighty and most terrible shall all be freed; for I will fight those who fight you, and I will save your children" (Isaiah 49:24 & 25, TLB).

Thank God! This promise assures you that God will save your children, if you'll hold on and claim them for Christ. The Bible also says, "He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge" (Proverbs 14:26, NIV). This verse implies there will come a time when your children will need protection from calamity or trouble; they will need a fortress-and will flee to yours.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


In Psalm 46:1 we read: “God is . . . a very present help in trouble.” Our God is present now! He was our help in ages past but He is a very present help now, today—in the midst of any and all troubles.

“Therefore will not we fear” (46:2). We have no need to fear because our God is a consuming fire, a defender and shield for His children.

“God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). He is altogether faithful and true to His Word.

Anna is dying inside. Oh Lord please heal me from this pain. I beseech thee Lord to heal my mind and my body. Please take away all my fears and anxiety. Oh Lord please search my heart and remove all jealousies and envies.

Oh Lord it is all I can do to lie here day and night without any hope. I see no future and I just want to die right here. There is no hope for change. I only see sadness and darkness for my future.

Then Anna begins to ponder the idea, what if I just try and crawl to get my work done. What if I just try and crawl through the bedroom floor and gather all the laundry. If I could gather it all up and put it in one corner of the hall I could later maybe drag it into the laundry room.

Depression oh my Lord, has taken my strength. I am no more than a paralyzed cripple in my demeanor. How strange yet wonderful there are some who have never felt this sickness. This is a real mental sickness that takes your body away. It makes your body powerless to perform normal duties.

This is a sickness people can see. They see the evidence of the sickness but no bruises, scratches, blood or crutches to make their pain show. The pain is hidden in the heart and the soul. It produces no beauty in your surroundings and gives you away. People see something is wrong. It is a pitiful bondage for those who suffer this disease.

In order for Anna to be healed she has to take the first step. This she has figured might be her only way. She is thinking God is telling her to move, just make a move towards your wholeness and see where it goes. With dizziness overwhelming her, she fears to move yet she realizes this may be her only way out and an easier fight than she would have imagined.

She feels silly but so ready to see what God will do. She has made up her mind to push herself to move. Anna has chills and is so cold. She decides to dress very warm . Keep in mind this is not a physical sickness, this is mental which has drained her physical health.

She realizes she will have to fight even for this meager way of cleaning. She is able to fight one step at a time. She is knowing in her heart that God will meet her and honor her faith. She does not know how but she knows God is faithful. This keeps Anna going.

Anna is hoping for a complete recovery. She had for a couple of years fell on her face to God in prayer for a miracle. She had thought God would instantly pick her up and fill her with excitement and vigor to do her duties. It never happened. She heard a small voice in her head to just take a step of faith, then comes faith. Then comes the miracle. The miracle is lasting.


Anna woke today after being up during the wee morning hours of 5/22/2014 and felt something different has happened to her. She has hope and strength to press forward and she never did have to physically crawl through her work. God is so Good. This is Anna's Miracle!
She has not felt this much freedom in at least 2 years. She knows a miracle has happened. She cleaned house, dressed and was able to go out for dinner with her husband. Eating out had been dreaded for her. It took all her energy to dress to go out.

Update: 5/27/2014
I can't sleep, I'm excited to be alive and no I haven't taken any meds. No Ambien. Just happy to be alive. Wow, haven't felt this way in a long time. Anticipating Life! Thank You Jesus.

You must be relentless in your prayer to God. If you are a child of God's he will hear your prayer and answer you. It is his desire to give us what is good for us.

Hannah is one of the most poignant characters in the Old Testament. Like several other women in the Bible, she was barren. People in ancient Israel believed that a large family was a blessing from God. Infertility, therefore, was a source of humiliation and shame. To make matters worse, her husband's other wife not only bore children but taunted Hannah mercilessly.
Once, at the house of the Lord in Shiloh, Hannah was praying so intently that her lips moved silently with the words she spoke to God in her heart. Eli the priest saw her and accused her of being drunk. She answered that she was praying, pouring out her soul to the Lord. Touched by her pain,
Eli answered, "Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him." (1 Samuel 1:17, NIV)
Anna believed God could do a miracle for her like he did for Hannah. God heard Anna's cry.

Friday, February 21, 2014


First of all let me say, I am on cloud nine! I will have a number 19th tooth again. This was depressing to lose that tooth. It made me feel I was slowly loosing my parts! laugh! That's when you begin to feel like age is catching up with you. I now feel young again. Isn't that funny, that getting a tooth has such power.

When I got to the Oral, Facial, Implant Center, they had me sign papers of what could go wrong. Oh yea, I really needed that. You could get an infection, you could get a tooth beside the implant to be damaged and need a root canal or better yet, it could be lost. Then came the final most wonderful statement," Your jaw could be broken into. hahaha. Yea, so glad I had my Ativan under my tongue when reading that one.

The whole experience was Wonderful. I felt no pain. I was assured of no pain. I assumed they would stick the needle in my gums and then give me the anesthesia. The nurse prepared me with information, hooked me up to oxygen, told me she would do an iv first and I would be given meds through that, then they would stick the needle in my gums without me feeling it. Boy, what good news. She also trough the iv gave me antibiotics just to be safe from infections later. I felt like a queen being fussed over. It was totally painless and yet I was aware of them working on my implant. I remember hearing the doctor screwing in the implant. No pain No fear. It was a wonderful experience if one could say seeing a doc can be wonderful. The nurse gave me a fuzzy blanket to keep warm. How sweet! I felt I was in good hands. I would recommend this place to all my children. It is that professional.

Just want you all to know this clinic. They are brothers, Charles Stone is my doctor and his brother is Brian Stone. It is located in an area just before the New Fresh Brookshire's. The building is high-tech and so modern. It is set up with surgical rooms. Ice cold like the hospitals are. The area of recovery was all glassed in and outside were beautiful stone pillars, flowers and a drive through area to be picked up by family. Wow, Just a state of the art place. Here is a picture of their sign on a instruction sheet. It is in the area of the new El Charo's.  I can truly recommend this place to anyone. My own children. I give God the glory for leading me here.

What I have is a implant screw that is, it seems the same level as my gums and I have stiches. I also assume that what he put in my gums will be a piece that the actual implant bar will be screwed into and a cap on top that. I thought I would leave his office with a shiny silver bar sticking up until I got my cap. All I see is a place where there are stitches. Pretty Cool.

Thank You Dr. Charles Stone!
Sincerely, Deborah Kersh

Doctor Brian Stone and Charles Stone on right!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

If This Is All You Can Do

As Christians we get caught up in daily life and the things of this world. Jesus never leaves us. We sometimes neglect to call upon him and then we feel awkward after so long without fellowship with him. Then usually we are ashamed to call on him. He is patiently waiting and wants you to come to him.

If this is all you can do, Jesus will hear you. Proverbs 15:29  The Lord is far from the wicked: but hears the prayers of the righteous. Because of this verse I would ask the Lord to forgive me of all my sins or unknown sins before I begin my prayer if I were shy and new at kneeling before the Almighty God. If this then is all you can do is pray, Jesus Help Me! This problem is too big for me to fix. Please help me. He will honor this prayer of your hearts cry. He knows your needs and your situation. Don't be shy to ask him. Kneel before the Lord to show your attention and honor to him.

Thank him and trust in him to begin a work in your life. It will be easier next time to be intimate with the Lord after this.