Wednesday, November 27, 2013

We're No Accident

My thoughts were why do I have to lose my tooth after all I do all the right things.  I  have my teeth cleaned twice  a year, floss and brush at least twice a day. I asked the Lord to please save my tooth. It had a crack and could not be repaired. I had a crown on that tooth for about 16 years. There is a reason for everything. Even though this was my last back chewing tooth left on my lower left side, it had to go. I have no choice but to get an implant if I want to chew my food.

Sitting in the Oral Surgeons exam room I am getting anxious and wanted to just leave the place. Then I started to realize there is a reason I am losing this tooth  and  God is with me. He promises to not leave me. He will help me through this procedure. I finally calmed down and when the doctor  came in we looked at the complete skeleton ex rays of all my teeth and jaw. He informed me I had enough bone to do an implant. Which will be done in two months. This was great news. Again, God is with me.

It came to me. It was so clear. It is no accident why we have our back teeth. Why? Of course to eat, but wait! If  there was a Big Bang and earth was made and then in the water some fish came out and walked and turned into monkey's and then turned in to man, what a perfect accident this was! The accident realized we needed back teeth to chew! Wow, Now, the accident is the theory of some and of course the atheist. Isn't it neat how the Big Bang was able to  know or even care to supply food on earth and back teeth to chew the food. 

Now I am seeing it as a wonderful Revelation to see this through this window. I already knew there is a God but how do I tell or convince an  atheist of this. I had no explanation other than I know because I have  experienced God  and I am a born again Christian. This is not science or proof of God,  just my feelings. How could a big bang theory be an intelligent idea for anyone to believe? Is it a coincident that we have minds to choose to do good  or evil? How about our digestive systems? How about how I our bodies work.  So the (big bang) thought of making back teeth for chewing? That is less believable than there is a God who created  the World and loved us enough to think of how to make our bodies work perfectly, supply us crops from the land and animals for meat.

We're not to argue with anyone to convince them there is a God but I now know myself how to explain my belief in, there is a  God. Some people  don't claim to be atheist but have no belief there is a God. I know someone I met online from Israel who is a Kersh and he has a website about being an atheist. I corresponded with him and tried to reason with him about God. I asked him how can one feel love for their children and not know there is a  God.  He told me he loved his children and family and it had nothing to do with a  God. I just did not know how to explain it to him because I had no other explanation other than I just know there is a God and believe the Bible. He saw me as just emotional  and uneducated.

We're No Accident! The Bible says we are wonderfully made. Now I see in my heart how we are wonderfully made. God put thought and love into making us. The earth and all that he created was for us in mind. All of this came to me from losing a back tooth. God is so good! I love Jesus so much for showing me how much he loves us. We are wonderfully made.

Psalms 139: 13-15.
13. For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
14. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
15. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Entertainment In The House Of God

  1. OMGoodness! How in the name of the Lord do I keep my mouth shut! What is the church coming to? Mother's Day is a man made day. " lets do thank our moms! " never was it intended to come before the Lord on his day. Church is a place of worship and for the lost to seek comfort. If I was lost and needed Jesus and knew or heard I could find him in church I would hope to not walk in on this! A Broadway Show because it is Sunday and by the way it is Mother's Day. If I am broken hearted, lost, hungry, sad, lonely and in need of salvation and redemption I could just sit back and enjoy the show!
    I am Pentecostal and this is a Pentecostal Church. I wonder if Jesus attended this show! This is not Holiness! This is pure Worldliness! Let's dance to rock and prance around in foolishness on what is supposed to be Holy Ground! I wish David Wilkerson was still alive and I could talk to him. I really need a real live sober Christian to talk to. I am beginning to feel like an alien on this earth. I am sorry if I offend you church but someone has to tell the Truth! God have mercy because these people have laughed in the face of a Holy God! 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Squandering Brings Poverty Life Style

Ever hear someone say, " I am going to be a millionaire." or " I want to be a millionaire." ? It means nothing, it leads to nothing within itself. If one has no concept of true happiness, then the money will not make it happen. One can be totally content, happy and secure on very little.

You see, one can have much and live so beneath their expected lifestyle. An earthly example would be hoarders. They can have a lot of money to buy and buy stuff. They let the stuff keep coming in until there is no room for order or a normal healthy lifestyle. They are now living in poverty. Why, because they can't cook, entertain, take a carefree bath or sleep in a bed with clean sheets. You may think, well if they have a lot of money they could just start over. Maybe, but even if they start over they will go back to their lifestyle if they do not change their lifestyle from the heart, actually their thinking.

The answer isn't being a millionaire or really rich. The answer is how you value yourself and what you already have. You see, if you know who you are in Christ, you have what the world calls self esteem. It is really called knowing your value, not self esteem. God made you his heir when you gave your heart and life to Jesus. You are valuable, you can and should live a rich quality of life. Like my grandmother Grace once said, "Anyone can afford a bar of soap!" No one needs to go dirty.

How does one Squander their Riches? There are so many ways to live in poverty yet be quite well off.

1. When your car breaks down, instead of repairing and doing maintenance one will finance a new one. This is an easy way out. I do realize the very rich may do better trading in a car every year because this would be affordable to them since they have chosen to always drive a new car. For those of us who are moderately making it yet not poor, it is better to stay away from a car payment. You do this by tender loving care.  Drive your car until it is no longer able to move. Keep up your maintenance, it is cheaper than a new loan. Yes, the new car makes you feel rich, gives your self esteem a boost and it smells good! What about your next trip to the grocery store and you feel the need to pinch a little more because of the New Car? Now how rich do you feel?

2. One is quite well off if they have a fairly new iphone. It works great. No problems, but it's not the latest! There is now a newer iphone that does this and that. Wow, it is amazing. All the apps are wow! Where is your contentment in having a perfectly usable phone that works great?  Will an upgrade bring you more happiness? Is it making you a smarter, more hip and modern person?  Or is it a constant chase and discontentment to keep up! Keeping up can be so costly and exhausting, and for who or what? When do you rest and feel whole? Contentment is real maturity and integrity.

3. No peace or happiness will come with all the stuff. It will drown you in a poverty lifestyle. On the show Hoarders, you see new sacks of goods from Macy's, Penney's or Lowes just thrown in a pile with other sacks and trash. They have so much money invested in New Garbage! Now they are in deep poverty because the tub is full of trash and sacks of New Stuff so they can not take a bath. The day I can't take a bath I am in deep poverty! Their kitchen is over run with dishes new and dirty.  They were poverty stricken when their money ran out because of buying all the Stuff and no place to put it and no way to use it. What caused their Poverty! Thinking they needed More and More and never being content and satisfied with what they had. They placed their value/worth in keeping up and having stuff.

4. Junk Food Diet, Smoking, Drinking and taking Drugs lead to poverty. How can I say that? Am I judging? No, it is just the plain truth. Think about the cost of Junk Food. A diet of processed sugar and garbage are cheap in dollar amount sometimes, but your body does pay a price. The price will  lead to poverty in your health. Smoking is very expensive and it can ruin your health. Drinking and Drugs are costly and lead to health problems.  This all leads to an impoverished body and finances. What about the poverty in relationships because of these things? What are we teaching our loved ones? A lifestyle beneath you. A lifestyle beneath what God intended for us. We have power over all these things through Jesus Christ. We are given the power of Choice.

5. On the flip side of over doing it what have you gained if you have Perfect House and a Betty Crocker Kitchen and your kids are out of control, lost or hurting for your attention? You and your children are in poverty. They need your attention and order but not perfection. What will they remember when grown, those beautifully perfectly made beds or the times you played with them and listened to their dreams and even their fears of today's world. Only Jesus can help us to do all we need to do. He wants us to enjoy our children and be there for them. Let him have the cares of  this world.  He wants us to be free from fear so we can be there for our children. We do not have to be bound with worries. You have power over the enemy who torments you with worry. Jesus gives you power over the enemy through his name. Call upon him. Touch his garment, press through for your petitions. It is God's will to be free from worry.

Jesus will help us to do the right thing. If you really want to live a Rich life, you can. You can be so rich in the Lord and be blessed with Integrity and Contentment! You will feel in control by not letting the allure of this world tell you what makes you rich. You will not be bound any more. Jesus will set you free. It's not a Money amount. It's a contentment and power over being seduced by the world and lies of the enemy about your self worth, amount.

The best feeling in the world is to live within your means. Being content with what you have is a peaceful state. It is what Jesus called us to do. Your circumstances can change. There are times you may just survive and be totally blessed with your needs being met. We can ask for a more prosperous life. God wants to give us the desires of our hearts, but we first need to be trusting towards him and content that he will bless us according to his will. Seek him and his righteousness first and all these things will be added unto you. There is such Power in being content and taking care of what God has entrusted to us.

We are all human and have struggled with some of these things. It has taken many years for the Lord to teach me that no matter how much money my husband makes, I lived in poverty when I was living beneath where God wanted me. After receiving the Holy Ghost I was given power over the enemy and practiced my heritage. I have been set free from many things in my life. I know my heritage. I know the promises God has made. We have power over the enemy. I do not have to be bound. God has truly set me free. This is real. He has set me free from cigarettes and many other things over the years. I am not saying those who smoke are sinners, no not at all. I am saying it is being Bound to something that hurts your health. Being bound is an awful way to live.  1 John 2:1 If we do sin we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ. Yes, I am saying we can sin and I do still slip up sometimes,  but Jesus will bring me back to right standing with him again. I do not have to be bound to a certain bondage. I have overcome through Jesus. That is your heritage. There is power in the Holy Ghost! I did not know this power after being saved. I practiced this power after being Baptized in the Holy Ghost!

Friday, January 11, 2013


It's so nice to think we can plan our life. We have it all figured out. It is a perfect plan. We will marry the perfect person, have a perfect job, perfect home and perfect children. So, we are now in bliss because we are perfect. No trials, nothing to scar our dream image of what life is supposed to be. Just what is Perfection?

Perfection is not the perfect idea above. What perfection are we if we never have a trial or crises? Who would not pass the test if all went well? How easy to appear all together when life is passing out blessings after blessings. What is perfection? How do we handle the not so perfect world when what we built in our minds has failed? I believe true perfection is how we behave and deal with real issues and crises.

One loses a job, a family member is in crises or something ugly changes your life and your perfect world. You can remain perfect if you realize what perfection is! It is how you handle the real crises! The imperfect world we live in. Only Heaven will be perfect. There will never be our idea of perfect on earth at all times. I mean at all times! You will face things that will make you feel lesser than trash. Your real worth is not defined by the awful situation, but how you handle it with dignity. That is real perfection.

It is acceptable to need help. It is acceptable to appear less perfect than what the world pictures it to be. If you are real with a crises and face it with responsibility, that is perfection. So, you don't have the dream idea of what you thought it should be. Things happen, life happens. How do we handle the crises? Do we ignore it and hope it will go away? Pretend it does not exist and let our loved ones suffer in order to appear to others as normal? What perfection is that? Didn't Jesus say we would have trials? We would be mocked at times? Talked about?

The one we have to please in the end is Jesus. Hold on to him and trust in him only. He told us in his Word troubles would come at times. He promises to help us through them. Don't let the enemy lie to you by telling you there is shame in going through a troubling time. Hold on to him and he will see you through. When you call on his name he will see you through with dignity and honor. It pleases him for one to handle the imperfect situation with perfect trust and behavior. Doing what is best and not what appears best according to the world. Don't be ashamed of your trials. Handle them with faith, kindness and patience. That is perfection!

If the glass of milk is spilled, it is life. You may feel it is not perfect anymore. Behaving with anger, grumbling and unbelief is what makes it not perfect! Your dinner is not ruined by the spill! It can be ruined by your perception and behavior of the spill!

Perfect parents do what is best for their children, not what looks best in a Better Homes And Garden magazine.
