Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Intimate Relationship

Would you think one needs to be taught to pray? I prayed as a child and when I was a teenager. God answered those prayers and some seemed like a miracle to me. I knew Jesus heard me and showed his love to me, but not until my 20's did I really learn how to actually worship and taught how to pray when not in a desperate state or need.

That's when I first went to church, what I call my earlier days. It was then that I learned it was a relationship with Jesus. A relationship is personal and intimate. It is sharing, trusting and having no secrets. In a personal intimate relationship you know each other. There is nothing about you that Jesus doesn't already know. You can't shock him with your honesty. What ever your struggling with he knows and is ready to set you free.

How do you talk or share your thoughts or feelings with your love, your spouse? That is an intimate relationship. We can't really keep it fresh or intimate unless we take the time alone with our love. Jesus so desires for us to share our thoughts and feelings with him. He knows about them anyway. He wants intimacy with you. He loves you.

Have you felt a tugging at your heart to be alone with him? Once recently the Lord woke me in the night and I felt a need to pray and just talk to him, to tell him I love him. I wanted to stay in my comfortable bed and pray there, knowing I would probably fall asleep praying and worshiping him. There are many ways to pray, lying down, standing, bowing your head or on your knees.

The Lord tugged at my heart to lie on the floor face down and earnestly seek him. This was not new to me, we women back in those days had all night prayer meetings. We stayed awake praying and praising God in many ways. I was taught by example in my early days. I really wanted to stay in bed and pray, which I have many times. This time I knew I was to get out of bed and obey knowing it would be a beautiful experience with the Lord and it was.

He showed me why I was to make an effort getting out of bed. I would know there was a defiant acknowledged prayer, relationship, intimate time spent with him. The time and prayer where marked in my memory because of the effort to make a special place and time for him. When my prayer was answered there was no doubt God heard me and answered that particular request. I was expecting an answer.

He wants to be your love. He desires time spent with you.

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