Saturday, May 18, 2013

Entertainment In The House Of God

  1. OMGoodness! How in the name of the Lord do I keep my mouth shut! What is the church coming to? Mother's Day is a man made day. " lets do thank our moms! " never was it intended to come before the Lord on his day. Church is a place of worship and for the lost to seek comfort. If I was lost and needed Jesus and knew or heard I could find him in church I would hope to not walk in on this! A Broadway Show because it is Sunday and by the way it is Mother's Day. If I am broken hearted, lost, hungry, sad, lonely and in need of salvation and redemption I could just sit back and enjoy the show!
    I am Pentecostal and this is a Pentecostal Church. I wonder if Jesus attended this show! This is not Holiness! This is pure Worldliness! Let's dance to rock and prance around in foolishness on what is supposed to be Holy Ground! I wish David Wilkerson was still alive and I could talk to him. I really need a real live sober Christian to talk to. I am beginning to feel like an alien on this earth. I am sorry if I offend you church but someone has to tell the Truth! God have mercy because these people have laughed in the face of a Holy God! 

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