Saturday, July 26, 2014


On 7/23/2014 I got my sweet scooter. I went to Target and Walmart and bought a locking chain, bell and lights. This post will be about whether or not an electric scooter is good for your health. I am thinking for sure it will be amazing for my mental health. Think about it, getting out and enjoying nature. I have never been one to exercise and surly never extreme exercise like aerobics. I do love stretching, leg lifts and using light weights. Let's just see what this new scooter does for me. I will keep you posted.

If I am having fun and encouraged to get out it seems I will also want to eat better foods. I don't want to look like a fat person riding a Walmart scooter. I want to appear healthy and energetic. Yes, I do care about my appearance and how others see me. We all really do even if we don't always admit it. I should not let myself go. I only have this one body. I am just trying to find myself and what will work for me.

I am just afraid of this in my old age:
I rode it today to Brookshire's Grocery and to CVS. It seemed a little scary coming back from Brookshire's on Hwy 110 so I pushed it all the way until I came to Forest Creek. I walked a good distance and I was sweating like crazy. This was better than a sauna. So far I know I am doing better than not doing the scooter or anything at all. 7/24/2014
Posted 7/25/2014
My scooter is for Mental Health. When you have the freedom to fly down the road doing 20 miles an hour sitting down or standing up, you feel free! Then you actually start getting out more and then you find your tired, hot and sweaty which is something I haven't felt in a while. I am so conditioned to the easy life. I am actually getting exercise without too much pain. The fun over rides the aches I had the first day. I felt like I had been in a car wreck, you know the soreness afterwards. I can't wait to get outside and ride. I went to the Dollar General today and bought laundry detergent and yesterday I went to CVS. Hey, I just want to share with you if anyone is like me and a whole lot lazy, this is the answer. I am building strength just riding the scooter. It is not that costly either when you think of the fun and benefits. This is my scooter.
 My son tells me he saw a friend of mine and she told him she thought she saw me on a scooter. Robbie says, "Yes, my mom has a scooter." He thought oh no, mom is embarrassing me but he realized she was just curious. Then I am thinking, do I look stupid riding a scooter? I googled it and there is a message board of people talking about being afraid of looking stupid on their scooters. They also say they don't care because they can't wipe the smile off their faces. So I have decided to ride it proudly with my head up and a big smile of joy. Joy is what I feel when riding. I will graduate to a really famine scooter in the future. Maybe I will get a blue or pink European looking scooter.  

This will be an ongoing post about my progress and experiences on the scooter. I will let you know if I have any weight loss or other benefits from this.

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